Aeon Grey

From a modest Midwest upbringing, Aeon Grey has been molded by the cracks of a broken family and a selective education system. With more than 10 years of experience and struggle against the stereotypes of popular hip hop culture, as well as the norms to which Iowans are expected to live by, Aeon Grey continues down the path of self discovery. With no interest in greatness, and no delusions of grandeur, Aeon Grey emerges as nothing more but another 80′s baby walking on the broken limbs of humanity looking for the rope ladder.  Relocating back to Des Moines after time away in San Francisco, Grey’s journey continues…

As the exclusive provider of sound travel capabilities for Maxilla Blue, and also an established emcee in his own right, Mr. Grey’s body of work and list of current projects is ever-growing, with multiple EP’s, full length works, instrumental albums, vinyl 7″, 12″s, and cassette releases etched firmly in the scrolls. His work on Maxilla’s third volume is complete, leaving current sights resting on the finalization of a few unfinished pieces of business, including the release of the highly anticipated follow up to his previous instrumental work, Placebo Solitude 2. In the interim, Aeon, along with the locally bred and ill-loop head producer, Sabicas, has completed what some Aeon listeners, including crewmate Asphate, consider his most well-maneuvered vocal project to date in the digital LP Paper Cranes. Most recently, however, Aeon and BumRap Co. alum Bashir have collaborated to complete the “Still Life’s Sabotage” EP. Beggars CAN be choosers. Name your price and take a seat.

Co-founder of Central Standard Records, Grey’s involvement with artists of a similar mindset or approach to his or her craft has produced multiple works, of which many can be found and purchased at  For additional information regarding upcoming Aeon Grey works, visit

  1. Anonymous
    April 20, 2012 at 4:18 am

    Keep doin ya thing Pimpin

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